
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Give more, take less

I never understood what my mother meant when she repeatedly said, give more take less, because frankly
more is better then less right?

Everybody wants more


But I have learned these simple lessons from giving more and taking less

Somehow you 

Get more if you ask for less
More loved if you give more love and demand less
Receive more blessings in your wealth if you don't hate to part with what you owe people
Can sleep better at night if you know you have make a positive impact to someone you love
More at ease if you cause less trouble

Life is not about keeping up with the Kardashian's, it's about keeping up at your own pace, and improving
at that pace. The best things in life are free, Family, Friends, The air you breath, learn to understand that and
you will never be in need.

Always remember, love yourself if you don't who will???

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