
Thursday, April 11, 2013

A bottle of spirits

A bottle of spirits

My name is dronkie or bergie or whatever you feel like calling me
I just wish you could look under my dirty clothes and see
That it’s hard living on these streets
My mother, and her husband threw my out all those years ago
I became a car guard pro

“Park here meram, park here my boss miskien sal jy my ‘n enjie of ‘n klein tip los”
I sleep in a cardboard box opposite the Gatesville Mosque
I see the mense praying to God, but they look at me like I’m a disease
All I ask is some respect please!

To survive in this world is very tough; I think I've had over enough
Of this struggle, I've been in this pile of rubble for far too long…
I've been the strong one, holding the pack together

It just seems like forever has passed me by
And all I want, is to die
So goodbye Cape Town
You raised me up and never let me down…

So I’ll park my last car and give my tip to skollie my pal
Please dear God help me, my life is hell
And perhaps You will make me die quick
A bottle of spirits at elite should do the trick!

Written by Sarfaraaz Mukuddem

(Tells a story of a car guard, who works and tries to make a living on the streets while sleeping on the streets)

Some definitions of foreign words used her 
Drokie (Drunkard)
Bergie (Vagrant)
Miskien (Maybe)

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