
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Changing your brain for the better!!!

Making work and Home optimistic

If you like to have a more positive outlook, it is suggested that you fill your 
home and work space with upbeat reminders of happy times, like pictures of family or vacations. So that you don't habituate to them, it is also suggested it helps by rotating pictures every few weeks!!! 

Expressing Gratitude

Expressing gratitude regularly will help you feel more optimistic. Make the effort to look someone in the eyes and say "thank you". Keep a journal to remind yourself of what you have to be thankful for!!!

Compliment others 

By finding and making opportunities to compliment others, you'll train your brain to see more good in people, in life and in yourself!!! I guess that's what the world needs more of.

Do mindful meditation 
If you'd like to become more self aware, it is suggested that doing regular mindful meditation helps, chose a time when you feel most awake and alert and sit up and meditate, concentrate on your breathing and notice the sensations in your body and if you become distracted, simply bring your mind back to focus on your breathing!

Sleeping is good, but on the right times

There are countless reports that link stress, depression and may other common threads of poor health to bad sleeping habits, going to sleep too hate at night and waking up late in the morning/afternoon is seriously bad and takes the best part of the day away from you. also important to note is that sleeping at night is considered 100 times more potent then sleeping during the day!

Demand less, get more 

It is not common knowledge but common sense to know that the less you demand of people and life, the more you will get out, recent studies show that teenagers who are less demanding get more out of life and do better at tertiary level.


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